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Easter opening times

In the Easter period, SKAGEN's head office will be open until 1pm on Wednesday 23 March.

Video: a wait-and-see month

Despite the dramatic events that took place in Europe in November, the stock markets' reaction was relatively ...

New Chairman of the Board

SKAGEN elected a new Chairman to its board of directors on 3 December, following the changes announced ...

Risk aware

SKAGEN asks Ian Bremmer, an American political scientist and expert on global political risk, some questions ...

Changes to the board of SKAGEN

After more than 15 years at the helm, Chairman of the board Martin Gjelsvik is stepping down. At the same ...

Up in US stocks

SKAGEN Global has increased its exposure to the US by 30 percent in a year in which the US stock market rally ...

Latest market report

Our equity funds invest in companies, so it is important that the management teams in these companies share ...

Cheapest not always best

People often think that the key to success in the stock market lies in buying low and selling high. History ...

The China Enigma

By Trygve Meyer

Stock markets do not follow a country's economic growth trajectory, and never has this been more true than ...

US equities getting riskier

The relatively strong recovery of the US economy in the aftermath of the financial crisis saw investors ...
