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Indholdet på denne side er markedsføring

We will keep you regularly informed on the evolution of your assets and of our fund managers' convictions via the following channels:

  • Client Reporting Portal (CRP) with tailored information and monthly reporting on your holdings in SKAGEN
  • Monthly reports for each fund
  • Quarterly video updates with potfolio managers
  • Quarterly reports, including a summary of activities in the fund and the portfolio manager's report
  • Quarterly client reports
  • Annual Report and Half Year Report
  • Additional information may be provided on request

Monthly status reports for the funds, quarterly market reports, etc.

In addition, you can find daily updated information on our web pages:

  • Daily calculated NAV
  • Full monthly disclosure of our portfolios updated every 10th day of the month including sector and geographic distribution
  • News and commentaries

Close follow-up

Together with you, your client relationship manager will make plans for how and when follow-up will take place.

On request SKAGEN may arrange:

  • Video or telephone conference meetings with institutional sales representatives
  • Meetings on your premises
  • Meetings in the Stavanger office

Contact information

Historisk afkast er ingen garanti for fremtidig afkast. Andre faktorer, blandt andet markedsudviklingen, porteføljeforvalterens dygtighed, fondens risiko samt omkostninger, kan påvirke fremtidigt afkast. Afkast kan blive negativt som følge af kurstab. Der er risici tilknyttet investeringer i fonde på grund af markedsbevægelser, valutaudvikling, renteudvikling, konjunkturer, samt branche- og selskabsspecifikke forhold. Fondene er denomineret i norske kroner (NOK). Afkast kan stige eller falde som følge af valutaudsving. Før du investerer, anbefaler vi, at du sætter dig ind i fondenes nøgleinformation, prospekter og omkostninger. Du finder nærmere info på www.skagenfondene.dk
Storebrand Asset Management er ejer af SKAGEN-fondene, som efter aftale forvaltes af SKAGENs fondsforvaltere.
