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Indholdet på denne side er markedsføring

Institutional clients - and other legal entities

New institutional clients (and other legal entities) must fill in an account opening form and provide a certified copy of the certificate of incorporation (or similar documentation), not more than three months old. If the certificate of incorporation is not issued by the Danish Business Authority a certified copy must be provided.

Clients must also submit a copy of the ID of the person(s) signing the account opening form, such as Danish passport, drivers license or national health insurance card. If the name of the person(s) signing does not appear in the certificate of incorporation, a power of attorney or an authorised list of signatories must also be provided.

For persons holding a passport or national identity card issued outside of Denmark a certified copy of the ID must be submitted . The copy can be certified by: bank and other financial institutions, post office, government department, insurance company, lawyer (barrister, solicitors), notary public, auditor, police officer, accountant or real estate broker. In addition we require a copy of a bank statement, electricity bill or similar which confirms the name and address of the given person(s).


Copy of ID – private individuals

Persons signing on behalf of the entity on the account opening form need to provide a certified copy of their passport or national identity card issued within the EEA. The copy can be certified by: bank and other financial institutions, post office, government department, insurance company, lawyer (barrister, solicitors), notary public, auditor, police officer, accountant or real estate broker.

In addition we require a copy of a bank statement, electricity bill or similar which confirms the name and address of the given person(s).

Beneficial owners

When you subscribe on behalf of a legal entity, you must provide the name, date of birth and contact details of the natural person(s) who directly or indirectly, alone or together with close relatives, owns or controls more than 25 percent of the shares or voting rights of the legal entity, or who otherwise ultimately owns or controls the legal entity.

You may enter information about any actual rights holders on page 3 of the account opening form or send it as a separate attachment together with the form.

Politically exposed persons (PEP)

On the account opening form, you must inform us if any of the people signing on behalf of the company or any of the beneficial owners are a politically exposed person, or a close relative to a politically exposed person, as defined in the EU anti money laundering directive. If the PEP status of a person changes during the business relationship, you must inform us accordingly.

Other required information:

Why customer control?

As a fund management company we are decreed by the authorities to carry out a customer control process with regard to all new clients. This is done in order to prevent and uncover money laundering and terrorist financing.

The above-mentioned documentation and information must be delivered to SKAGEN before orders from new clients may be processed. Please contact customer services by telephone on +47 51 80 37 09 or by email if you have any related questions. The customer service department is manned from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm CET.


Historisk afkast er ingen garanti for fremtidig afkast. Andre faktorer, blandt andet markedsudviklingen, porteføljeforvalterens dygtighed, fondens risiko samt omkostninger, kan påvirke fremtidigt afkast. Afkast kan blive negativt som følge af kurstab. Der er risici tilknyttet investeringer i fonde på grund af markedsbevægelser, valutaudvikling, renteudvikling, konjunkturer, samt branche- og selskabsspecifikke forhold. Fondene er denomineret i norske kroner (NOK). Afkast kan stige eller falde som følge af valutaudsving. Før du investerer, anbefaler vi, at du sætter dig ind i fondenes nøgleinformation, prospekter og omkostninger. Du finder nærmere info på www.skagenfondene.dk
Storebrand Asset Management er ejer af SKAGEN-fondene, som efter aftale forvaltes af SKAGENs fondsforvaltere.
